Czerny’s Auction house in Italy is holding two sales on Dec 15th and 16th. The first sale, Fine Antique Arms from the Malay Archipelago includes many examples of highly decorative and rare Asian and SE Asian arms. Silver mounted Kastane swords from Ceylon are among those with higher estimates in the sale, as are Sumatran and Balinese Kris’s. Among the many rare forms of edged weapons throughout the catalogue are Sumtran Piso-podangs, a Pade sword from the Maluku islands, a scarce Naga sword from Assam and a Balato from Nias. Klewangs, Daos, Dhas, and Mandau’s are among the other exotic forms offered.
The second catalogue of Fine Arms and Armour includes many fine early firearms such as the late 17th C. Teschen flintlock rifle pictured. Also in this sale is a fabulous pair of Brescian pistols by Galatto C1670, a fine French double flintlock fowler by Simon C 1770 and a presentation Target rifle by Rochat Turin, gifted by King Emaneul II in 1862. This catalogue also includes some fine Japanese lots such as the Tashi with Cloisonne decorated Koshirae, an attractive Kabuto helmet with Menpo and a rare Tano signed Kuni-Mitsu. The catalog also includes a wide range of Europeans edged weapons and militaria. Click on the image for a link to the sale
The second catalogue of Fine Arms and Armour includes many fine early firearms such as the late 17th C. Teschen flintlock rifle pictured. Also in this sale is a fabulous pair of Brescian pistols by Galatto C1670, a fine French double flintlock fowler by Simon C 1770 and a presentation Target rifle by Rochat Turin, gifted by King Emaneul II in 1862. This catalogue also includes some fine Japanese lots such as the Tashi with Cloisonne decorated Koshirae, an attractive Kabuto helmet with Menpo and a rare Tano signed Kuni-Mitsu. The catalog also includes a wide range of Europeans edged weapons and militaria. Click on the image for a link to the sale

Rock island’s Premiere Firearms sale takes place over the days starting Dec 9th. It is filled with spectacular offerings with many lots having important historical associations. On the first day Theodore Roosevelts’ Engraved Smith and Wesson No 3 is being offered. It is accompanied by a factory letter confirming shipment to Colonel Roosevelt on May 12 1898.
Lots sold on day two include A smith and Wesson Scholfield with a Jesse James association, as well as a Colt Navy 1851 prototype serial No 1. Among the lots on the third day are a Winchester Model 1895 presented by Wild West Showman Buffalo Bill to Fred Kavanaugh and a Smith and Wesson Wells Fargo Scholfiled revolver Serial No 1.
There are 2088 lots in total to be sold over the three days in a wide range estimate. The sale includes European and American Military and civilian arms as well as many rare, fine and
Lots sold on day two include A smith and Wesson Scholfield with a Jesse James association, as well as a Colt Navy 1851 prototype serial No 1. Among the lots on the third day are a Winchester Model 1895 presented by Wild West Showman Buffalo Bill to Fred Kavanaugh and a Smith and Wesson Wells Fargo Scholfiled revolver Serial No 1.
There are 2088 lots in total to be sold over the three days in a wide range estimate. The sale includes European and American Military and civilian arms as well as many rare, fine and

The Swiss Auction Center winter antique arms sale is being held on December 17th . The sale includes modern and antique firearms, edged weapons, and many scarce and unique antique objects from the American West, Scotland, Europe, and India, all with reasonable starting prices.
Among the Highlights are an extremely rare and desirable high condition Colt 1860 Army revolver with London address & no British proof marks (starting at: Fr. 15,000.00), a rare gold Sheriff’s presentation badge from 1911 belonging to renowned Colorado lawman John Muehlhausen (starting at Fr. 4,500.00), a Rare Buffalo Bill Cody Commemorative Bowie Knife from Wostenholm IXL Cutlery Co. Sheffield England, marked 1895, with 0riginal presentation box(starting at Fr. 800.00), an important collection of other genuine antique western badges, all with maker’s stamps verso, and much more.
Also offered in this auction are watches, jewelry, precious gems, paintings, sculptures, and a large selection of books. To see our richly illustrated online catalog in follow the link to the website and click on the red Live Auctioneers button.
Among the Highlights are an extremely rare and desirable high condition Colt 1860 Army revolver with London address & no British proof marks (starting at: Fr. 15,000.00), a rare gold Sheriff’s presentation badge from 1911 belonging to renowned Colorado lawman John Muehlhausen (starting at Fr. 4,500.00), a Rare Buffalo Bill Cody Commemorative Bowie Knife from Wostenholm IXL Cutlery Co. Sheffield England, marked 1895, with 0riginal presentation box(starting at Fr. 800.00), an important collection of other genuine antique western badges, all with maker’s stamps verso, and much more.
Also offered in this auction are watches, jewelry, precious gems, paintings, sculptures, and a large selection of books. To see our richly illustrated online catalog in follow the link to the website and click on the red Live Auctioneers button.

Scollard & Sons Auction are having a second sale of arms, armour and antiques on Dec 4th. The sale includes the Italian mid-18th C silver mounted pistols with chiseled steel barrels pictured in addition to several lots of antique armour, edged weapons and a good brass barreled signal canon on brass mounted carriage. Included in the armour lots are attractive reproductions of a 16th close helms and a bellows type salet. Among the edged weapons are an Italian cinquadea dagger in the 16th C style, a US 1862 dated naval cutlass and scabbard and a a Victorian swept hilt rapier with chiseled steel hilt.
Other lots include an Austrian dragoon helmet, An unusual armored and enameled codpiece, a good pair of Indian Dastana arm guards and a selection of polearms. Click on the image for a link to the sale.
Other lots include an Austrian dragoon helmet, An unusual armored and enameled codpiece, a good pair of Indian Dastana arm guards and a selection of polearms. Click on the image for a link to the sale.