Czernys are holding two major sales in December. The sale of the 9th includes sumptuous examples of finely made and highly decorative arms from all countries and periods. Among these fabulous lots is the pictured rare white jade hilted shamshir mounted with rubies bearing the inscription “Shah Morad Ali Khan” two suits of amour and a fine Kanmuri otoshi tanto by Yoshindo Yoshihara.
Guns in the sale include an 18th C. bell mounted Naples made blunderbuss, a pair of iron mounted Ripoll pistols, a superb English cased cane gun, a Saxon troopers puffer dated 1591, a pair of coral mounted Ali Pasha style pistols, a pair of Florentine wender style double barreled pistols and a pair of three barreled pocket pistols by Borton.
Early swords include a German 17th C two handed processional sword, and a rare 16th C German estoc, a fine French 16th C rapier and a 13th C European knightly sword. Among the Indo-Persian and Ottoman arms are a superb gilded katar, an important tegha sword with inscriptions, a fine khula khud and sipar, a fine Turkish jade hilted dagger with Damascus blade, a Kilij with wootz blade, a kard dagger with rock crystal hilt and a gold mounted Moroccan Nimcha. On the 8th Czerny’s are selling a large selection of Indonesian and ethnographic arms in a separate sale.
Guns in the sale include an 18th C. bell mounted Naples made blunderbuss, a pair of iron mounted Ripoll pistols, a superb English cased cane gun, a Saxon troopers puffer dated 1591, a pair of coral mounted Ali Pasha style pistols, a pair of Florentine wender style double barreled pistols and a pair of three barreled pocket pistols by Borton.
Early swords include a German 17th C two handed processional sword, and a rare 16th C German estoc, a fine French 16th C rapier and a 13th C European knightly sword. Among the Indo-Persian and Ottoman arms are a superb gilded katar, an important tegha sword with inscriptions, a fine khula khud and sipar, a fine Turkish jade hilted dagger with Damascus blade, a Kilij with wootz blade, a kard dagger with rock crystal hilt and a gold mounted Moroccan Nimcha. On the 8th Czerny’s are selling a large selection of Indonesian and ethnographic arms in a separate sale.

The highest estimated lot In Thomas Del Mar’s next sale is the much published silver mounted pair of Manton duelers pictured. Carrying an estimate of 35,000-45,000 stg these pistols were made in 1791 and most likely make for the 2nd Marquis of Hertford. Other fine pistols in the sale include a cased pair by Boutet, A fine Rigby cased pepperbox, a Beamont Adams cased revolver owned by one of Queen Vitoria’s sons, most likely prince Alfred.
Among the edged weapons is a Brunswick processional two handed sword dated 1573, a German estoc, a selection of basket and half basket hilt rapiers and swords as well as several fine Japanese Katana. For collectors of eastern arms a fine shamshir, tulwar hilt and early kattarra are among the lots of interest. Click on the image for a link to the catalogue that include a wide variety of arms in all estimate ranges.
Among the edged weapons is a Brunswick processional two handed sword dated 1573, a German estoc, a selection of basket and half basket hilt rapiers and swords as well as several fine Japanese Katana. For collectors of eastern arms a fine shamshir, tulwar hilt and early kattarra are among the lots of interest. Click on the image for a link to the catalogue that include a wide variety of arms in all estimate ranges.

Rock island Premier sale is around the corner. The highest estimate in the sale is carried by a Winchester 1873 "One of One Thousand" 1st Model at $375,000-550,000. Other spectacular American firearms in the sale include a cased presentation Colt Presentation Colt Model 1862 Police Revolver and a Walker's C Company Marked U.S. Contract Colt Walker model 1847.
Among the sporting arms and a pair of Philippe Grifnee engraved Holland & Holland Shotguns, an engraved cased sequential pair of W.W. Greener side by side Shotguns in 24 Gauge and a massive Ken Owen "Owen-Rewa" 4 bore double rifle.
Military and class III guns include a Walther model MP semi-automatic prototype pistol, a baby luger prototype, a cased full automatic Colt, model 1921/1928 US navy overstamped Thompson submachine gun, and the finest documented US Singer Mod 1911A1. Click on the image for a link to the catalog.
Among the sporting arms and a pair of Philippe Grifnee engraved Holland & Holland Shotguns, an engraved cased sequential pair of W.W. Greener side by side Shotguns in 24 Gauge and a massive Ken Owen "Owen-Rewa" 4 bore double rifle.
Military and class III guns include a Walther model MP semi-automatic prototype pistol, a baby luger prototype, a cased full automatic Colt, model 1921/1928 US navy overstamped Thompson submachine gun, and the finest documented US Singer Mod 1911A1. Click on the image for a link to the catalog.

A fabulous percussion rifle by Nowak of Prague is one of the select lots on offer by Antikvity Praha in the sale finishing December 2nd. Other fine firearms in the sale include a superb Italian flintlock pistol with chiseled steel mounts by Guigno C. 1660 and a late 18th C . flintlock fowler by Hachenberger with a Spanish barrel, one of several from the collection of Duke Lobkowitz. A nice Blissett over and under pistol will also cross the block.
Among the edged weapons in the sale are seberal fine rapiers and an early two handed sword C. 1600. An Austrian model 1768 saber will be sold as will a fine hunting trousse and Russian model 1827 French style saber. A wide selction of historical swords are offered as are several elements of armour
The sale also includes a selection of Japanese sword mounts, several Indo-Persian arms. a Saxon guild miners axe, an early crossbow, a superb chiseled steel horse muzzle, powder horns and several jailers key guns.
Among the edged weapons in the sale are seberal fine rapiers and an early two handed sword C. 1600. An Austrian model 1768 saber will be sold as will a fine hunting trousse and Russian model 1827 French style saber. A wide selction of historical swords are offered as are several elements of armour
The sale also includes a selection of Japanese sword mounts, several Indo-Persian arms. a Saxon guild miners axe, an early crossbow, a superb chiseled steel horse muzzle, powder horns and several jailers key guns.