Kramer Auctions next sale of August 6th Includes a wide range of fine sporting shotguns. Among the offerings are collectible Ithaca doubles, a Winchester model 21 grand American, a20 GA LC Smith Ideal grade featherweight, and AYA sporting 20 GA game gun and a prewar Winchester model 12 black diamond grade trap gun. The sale also includes fine collector pistols such as the Colt 1902 pictured as well as a S&W 357 in its original box from 1936.
Among the fine rifles in the sale are a rare Winchester 30-06 1895 musket and a model 1886 take down rifle in 45-70. Click on the image for a link to the sale.
Among the fine rifles in the sale are a rare Winchester 30-06 1895 musket and a model 1886 take down rifle in 45-70. Click on the image for a link to the sale.

Anthony Cribbs sale of the 20th includes a food selection of Georgian presentation swords. A variety of volunteer infantry and cavalry sword examples include one presented by the Ayr and Kilmarnock Volunteer Riflemen to their colonel in 1804, another by the Peterhead Corps of Volunteer Infantry in the same year and a Madras artillery example presented in 1810. Several fine blue and gilt cavalry sabres are also offered. Among the earlier edged weapons is the very attractive Italian 16th C rapier pictured, this example is mounted with a flattened pierced blade and the hilt is decorated with silver busts.
A wide selection of antique firearms will be sold including two examples of Rigby target rifles as well as a cased pair of dueling pistols by Wilson London and a flintlock pair of blunderbuss pistols by Heylin, A good selection of Mughal & Persian swords will be sold in addition to Japanese and Ottoman arms. Click on the image for a link to the sale.
A wide selection of antique firearms will be sold including two examples of Rigby target rifles as well as a cased pair of dueling pistols by Wilson London and a flintlock pair of blunderbuss pistols by Heylin, A good selection of Mughal & Persian swords will be sold in addition to Japanese and Ottoman arms. Click on the image for a link to the sale.